About BICPA Association


The institute is known as “THE BRUNEI DARUSSALAM INSTITUTE OF CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS”. BICPA is a Non-Profit Organisation established in 1987, managed and run through the voluntary service of a group of professionally qualified accountants.

The principal activity of the Institute is to provide an entity for accountants to support and advance the status and interest of the accountancy profession in line with the aims and objectives of the Government of His Majesty the Sultan dan Yang Di-Pertuan Negara Brunei Darussalam.

The membership of the Institute fall under the following categories: Honorary, Associate, Affiliate and Provisional. Find out more about how to become a BICPA member here.


To provide an organisation for accountants to support and advance the status and interest of the accountancy profession in line with the aims and objectives of the Government of His Majesty the Sultan and Yang Di-Pertuan, Negara Brunei Darussalam.
To provide means for considering questions affecting the interests of the accountancy profession and to initiate, watch over, petition and take whatever action may seem desirable in relation to promoting recognition of the accountancy profession in its contribution towards the development of Negara Brunei Darussalam.
To encourage the training and education of persons studying accountancy in Negara Brunei Darussalam and elsewhere.
To hold conferences and meetings for the readings of papers and the delivery of lectures, and for the acquisition and dissemination by other means of in formation connected with the profession of accountancy.
To provide forums for accountants in Negara Brunei Darussalam to join together and discuss mutual problems.
To provide a forum for regional and international liaison and cooperation with other accountancy bodies in ASEAN and other region to promote affiliation with other international Institutes, Associations or Societies which have similar objective as those of this Institute on such terms and conditions as the Council may deem fit in the interest of this Institute, and subject to the written permission of the Registrar of Societies.
To promote the exchange of ideas and communications among members and members of other international Institutes, Associations or Societies as recognised by the Council of this Institute.
To set ethics and rules for the professional practice and conduct of the member of the institute.
To establish a library for the use of its members.
To print and publish any journals, periodicals, books or leaflet that the institute may think desirable for the promotions of its objects.
To sell, manage, lease, mortgage, or dispose of, or otherwise deal with all or any parts of the property of the Institute.
To borrow or raise any money that may be required by the institute upon such terms as may be deemed advisable and in particular by mortgage or charge of all or any part of the property of the Institute.
To encourage the use of Malay Language in the accountancy profession.
To do all other such lawful things as are incidental or conducive to the attainment of the above objects, or any of them.


Dk Hjh Siti Khadijah Pg Moksin
Dk Hjh Siti Khadijah Pg Hj Moksin


Audit Partner
Deloitte & Touche Brunei

Kong Ee Pin

Vice President

Audit Partner
Ernst & Young Brunei

Martina Tie Suk Huong


Finance Manager
Muara Maritime Services
Sdn Bhd

Adeline Lau Pik Wen


BICPA Academy Sdn Bhd

Lucy Wong Kie Nyuk

Council Member

Audit Partner
Lucy Wong & Associates

Hj Shazali Tan Sri Dato Hj Sulaiman

Council Member

Shazali & Partners

Lee Kin Chee

Council Member

Audit Partner
Corporatehouse Associates

Doreen Ng Lee Chin

Council Member

Account Manager
VAM(R) BRN Sdn Bhd

Lee Yun Chin

Council Member

Audit Partner
PKF (Brunei)

Lim Hoon Hui

Council Member

Audit Partner
H. H. Lim & Company

Chai Xiang Yuin

Council Member

Audit Partner

Nikki Kok Wan Yuet

Council Member

Compliance Director
Petroleum Authority of Brunei Darussalam


Global Recognitions

Access to Global
Accounting Alliance

Local Context
& Relevance

